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A New Chapter


So much for documenting the move process! We've been too busy and exhausted from making several trips back and forth that blogging would be the last thing on our minds.

Writing now from the new place, we're in! Spent the past three nights here and it was guuud. Nothing like waking up on a new mattress, fresh linen sheets and a space filled with things we chose and plants we (or especially i) love.

Not to mention Gabe and I have been sleeping on a less than queen-sized bed resulting in many nights' of poor sleep, disturbed by the very physical process of breathing into each other's faces. Can't recall the number of times I've accidentally (and intentionally) kicked him just by moving my leg out a few inches, which brings us to sleeping on our new king-sized bed that much sweeter and how we really savoured the first night.

our first splurge on bedsheets are these highly reviewed ones from bed threads

Egger (like Edger but not)'s sleeping space on the old bed between us

Check out all that bed space Egger has now in the new!

Demonstrating how tiny the previous bed was, we don't even want to imagine the number of people who have slept in it before us. I can't stress how wonderful it felt to have a bed to call our own, after four months. If you're not sold on the importance of a new bed, read here.

Aside from the bed of course, we are looking forward to creating new memories in TNP. Having taken it this far from it's original state of broken hinges, faulty switches, ant/roach infestation, stuck-on grease and hardened grime to it's now-liveable condition, I can say we're very proud of ourselves.

Building up this place with Gabe affirms our ability to work as a team and it ran surprisingly easy, seeing how we both like the same things and appreciated having different zones created like these:

dining area aka my 'work corner'

(still waiting excitedly on a piece of art print to fill up that blank wall space!)

island dining area / breakfast hangout / changing work space

(still waiting on a table runner to complete the look!)

Not our choice of bar chairs and cushions, but hey it came with the kitchen island purchased from FB marketplace so not complaining.

literal sitting area, missing the Serif here because we carried it into the room,

how awesome it is to have legs!

Gabe's baby, The Serif

(i can't believe it has an added 'The' in front of its model name)

my baby, rugs, all plants and black sideboard, coffee table...

basically everything else furnishing this place

The experience from searching for the 'right' place, getting all the essentials down, picking up furniture pieces, decorating and living in it still feels unreal now that we're almost 90% done. Maybe it'd only start to feel like a 'home' when we have family and friends over, and maybe host a party/bbq to truly feel its warmth. Heh, pun intended.

Definitely felt some sadness in leaving the old apartment but as the cliche goes, change is the only constant, and we're onto the next chapter of our Aussie experience.

goodbye unit 923

old apt with beautiful shutters and views of amazing sunsets

Speaking of the experience, it's been quite a ride. When friends comment wishing we could be experiencing more of what Sydney has to offer, and how we're not getting the most from it (being in lockdown), it just reinforces the idea that life is on hold, and that's not good. I'd like to be seeing it in a different way.

That THIS IS the experience, our Aussie experience begun the minute we started packing in SG, or more so when we left for empty Changi Airport. That experience itself is priceless, how many can say they've left the country during the lockdown when T3 was closed to the public and travel was prohibited (without good reason). We came here knowing the world was in a pandemic, and we count ourselves fortunate to even have had those few good weeks (at the blue mountains, playing mini-golf, visiting the arcades, hanging OUT with friends) before going into lockdown. It just makes wanting it more, and knowing it's within our reach that is the challenge.

Of course, there are many other challenges, but maybe for another entry. This post is all about having made the move into our new place, and knowing we've just turned a page, onto a new chapter. We've unpacked all the boxes we shipped over, bought many new/old things to experience the next six months, the way we can. Like my mother-in-law said last night,

Go and enjoy you' life, don't need to worry about other things ~MIL

Not sure we can agree entirely with that, but I get she's well-meaning. Hopefully she's right and we can start to 'enjoy life', where shops are open, restrictions are lifted, and travel bubbles are in place and functioning. Is that too much to ask?

With this move and change in season, I'm hopeful. Hoping with the vaccination rates going up and the somewhat encouraging news on lifting restrictions in Mid-October that we would be able to really start exploring Sydney to its' fullest.

Let's go, Spring!

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