Gabe: So Sydney didn't come out of the initial lockdown as planned. Instead, our lockdown was extended for another four weeks till the end of August.
Sarah: Booooo.
Gabe: As I like to say: Anticipated it. Sydney cases are now consistently over 200 per day. Looking back, the week was full of new discoveries - Food and places mostly.

Gabe: Kicked off the week with a Pasir Ris classic and one of my all-time favourite dishes - Chicken macaroni. Our first time attempting it after handwritten instructions from Sarah's mum and it ended up so good.
Sarah: So. Damn. Good. But we just discovered there are two types of macaroni. Did you know the right macaroni for this dish is the ELBOW MACARONI? Not sure there is a real difference other than the size.

Sarah: Ended Tuesday with Taco Tuesday. Although it would have been better with friends, we ate 10 taco shells (7 by Gabe) and it was delish as usual!

Gabe: Got a little lazy on the guac so the dish of the week crown still belonged to Monday's Chicken Macaroni!
Sarah: Wednesday. We decided to head out after seeing all the hype from Time Out Sydney's Instagram stories around Gnocchi Brothers. The pasta sauce was pretty awesome but the choice of pasta wasn't great.

Gabe: Yeah, I think we're not gnocchi people. The gnocchi was very good but just ended up too much for us. Was interesting checking out another new place though.
Sarah: Dish of week stays with Chicken Macaroni! We also picked up some new alcohol choices while we were out. Only $33 for the bottle of local vodka!

Sarah: Gabe missed my delivery earlier in the day so we headed out to Strawberry Hills Post Office to pick up my package which was surprisingly efficient and took an evening walk at the Prince Alfred Park just across the street.

Gabe: Park was okay-ish. Crazy amount of sporting facilities like six tennis courts, a dog park, jogging track and several basketball courts. Not the best park we've been to but the sunset was nice. We decided to head over to Spice Alley which I've read/heard about to pick up some dinner since that was near-ish.

Sarah: Looks can be deceiving. I got the Wanton Mee which was just soya sauce noodles and lacked any familiar flavours. Gabe's Hainanese Chicken Rice was passable and had only one cucumber. Was told off by Gabe to lower my Asian food standards here.
Gabe: It's true because we're not in Singapore ARE WE?

Sarah: The highlight of that meal was my Bloody Mary. They didn't have the pre-mix so this was my attempt to replicate that. Very happy with it, though it could use more heat with tabasco.
Gabe: That was a Bloody good Mary. Dish of the week still remains with Chicken Macaroni though! Ended the work week on Friday with a walk at a different section of Centennial Park.

Sarah: We have this running joke that Gabe would be lost in this park because of how big the space is and how bad he is with directions. Thankfully, I have a mental GPS that can navigate landmarks and people moments to get us back to our car.
Gabe: 36-year old man lost at Centennial Park for the second time in two weeks.

Sarah: Here comes the kicker of the week with our own version of Fish Porridge (cause no meat Fridays) with the help of a text message recipe from my mum.
Gabe: Restaurant quality fish porridge! Crazy how good this porridge turned out. Especially for our first time.
Sarah: Everything worked perfectly. The other dishes this week felt like there was some room for improvement but not this dish. This was definitely the new dish of the week for us.
Gabe: 100% dish of the week with the perfect consistency, flavours and super exciting condiments.

Gabe: Saturday was apartment viewing for us after discovering a new area near Spice Alley called Chippendale.
Sarah: Chip & Dale.
Gabe: I was super excited for it because there's a mall attached to the two apartments with Ippudo and Killiney Kopitiam. Unfortunately the viewings didn't go well. We saw the dirtiest fridge on earth and some of the furnishings were pretty grimy. Very disappointing but thankfully we had Killiney to cheer us up.

Sarah: Cheer us up? This ended up being just as disappointing as the apartment viewings. As the Asian delights expert, the Mee Pok was pretty off with the toughest fishball ever. The only passable items were the drinks and the black carrot cake. Apparently our two Sydney friends say this is as good a Mee Pok we'll find in Sydney. Hoping she's not right there.
Gabe: Yeah, the food wasn't the best. Expected more from you Killiney. Was a pretty snoozy Saturday. Might have been the mediocre food that caused that lethargy. At least we finished this 1,000 piece Where's Wally puzzle which took us 5 days or so.

Sarah: #jigsawpride. We also picked up a Garlic Honey pizza from Westwood Pizza since we were both quite full from Killiney's mediocre food. Interesting flavours although all pizzas should have onions and this one didn't have it!

Gabe: I liked it though it definitely didn't beat our dish of the week: FISH PORRIDGE.

Sarah: Yet another photo captured of me walking on a nature trail. Was gloomy but always nice to be out in nature since that's all we're allowed to do during this lockdown. Saw colorful birds and sailboats out on calm waters which really makes you grateful to be here.
Gabe: I enjoyed the walk as well. Wasn't as cold as the past few weeks, probably global warming and the change of seasons in September.
Sarah: All our walks usually end up with us talking about being here which is very reassuring because it helps us get on the same page of what we want to achieve here, how we're feeling especially before starting the week.

Sarah: I was already excited by Gabe's earlier idea to do steak and fries for dinner. Was thinking about it throughout the nature walk and I was super happy that it turned out as good as I imagined it to be. Could have had more though.
Gabe: I was pretty happy with it given it was our first time attempting steak for some reason. Pretty straightforward and super tasty. My bad on the portion sizing, thought 235 grams with fries and vegetables would be enough for two of us. I guess I underestimated us. Also, what made this meal even better was Sarah's expertise in creating the ambience in our little apartment which was a mini celebration since we're in her birthday month.

Sarah: Tough call on the top three dish of the week which was chicken macaroni, fish porridge, and steak. Gun to my head? I would say... fish porridge. Or steak?
Gabe: I think fish porridge wins dish of the week. Simple, homey but super exciting and tasty.
Sarah: The steak and fries meal was the whole dining experience for me so I'll go with that.
Gabe: This was kinda a meaningless post wasn't it. Just food and nature walks.
Sarah: Just taking in new experiences across the week that we want to remember. Who said new's not always better?